Tomi and Mimi love ice cream! They don’t eat it very often. So, when their mother wanted to take them out to eat ice cream in New Delhi… Where could they go? Luckily for you, Tomi and Mimi found some really good ice cream parlors. So when you ever feel like eating ice cream, you can go straight to the Top 3 best ice cream in New Delhi.

Jaatri – Meharchand Market

Jaatre Ice Cream
scoops of chocolate orange ice cream in terracotta cup at Jaatre
(half eaten, because it was too tasty to wait for the photo…)

Meharchand market is always full of nice surprises. And not long ago this new artisanal ice cream parlor opened with delicious and exciting flavors. Forget about the standard flavors, go for something new: Chocolate orange, and raw coconut sugar with roasted almond are the favorites of Tomi and Mimi, but Alfonso mango, black pepper and cardamom or the fig and balsamic are definitely on the eating wish list.

All ingredients are natural, their philosophy good for Mother Earth and the scoops generous. Their store has a clean and modern ascetic and enough places to sit down. If your parents don’t like ice cream, they can order coffee or an affogato (coffee with an ice cream scoop). If that didn’t convince you yet that Jaatre deserves the first place in the Top 3 Best Ice Creams in New Delhi, consider this; the scoops are served in the cutest terracotta cups, which you can take home (if you ask kindly). Check out more flavors at

Fabindia Cafe – different locations

Fabindia Cafe interior New Delhi
Fabindia Cafe interior New Delhi

Known for their block print patterned clothes and home accessories as well as furniture , Fabindia has branched out with several cafes in New Delhi. They offer ice creams with natural ingredients and even have a vegan (coconut) ice cream on the menu that should not be missed. Tomi and Mimi loved the ice cream (and other desserts) at the Fabindia cafe, especially the mango and the vegan coconut.

If you want to eat sweet frozen treats at our second place on the Top 3 Best Ice Creams in New Delhi, check out their different locations in New Delhi and Gurgoan at their website

Big Chill Creamery Khan Market

Ice cream at Big Chill Creamery Khan Market New Delhi
Ice cream cone at Big Chill Creamery Khan Market New Delhi
photo credit Big Chill Cakery

Khan Market is the place to be for nice shops, cafes and bakeries. You can get macarons, operas and French baguettes here. And now, also ice cream from the Big Chill creamery. With its colorful, quirky newspaper and little seats it is a place where Tomi and Mimi love to come back to.

Coming in last on the Top 3 Best Ice Cream places in New Delhi because they have only very little space to sit down. And when you get ice cream, don’t you want to sit and enjoy? The Big Chill Creamery is part of The Big Chill Bakery and The Big Chill eatery. If you want to know more check out the menu at


Tomi and Mimi wish you happy (and responsible) ice cream eating! If you like eating out and exploring delicious treats, have a look at the Top 5 Best Bakeries in New Delhi or look at Tomi and Mimi’s favorite places to eat.

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