Top 5 best bakeries in New Delhi

Top 5 best bakeries in New Delhi

When you are in New Delhi, you find lots of delicious sweets and treats to try. Gulab Jamun, badam barfi, kaju katli, rasgulla… and these are just a few. But when you crave some European baked goods like a palmier, croissant, quiche, eclair, macaron or opera,...
Top 3 best Ice Cream in New Delhi

Top 3 best Ice Cream in New Delhi

Tomi and Mimi love ice cream! They don’t eat it very often. So, when their mother wanted to take them out to eat ice cream in New Delhi… Where could they go? Luckily for you, Tomi and Mimi found some really good ice cream parlors. So when you ever feel...
Bears for Breakfast

Bears for Breakfast

Grrrrrrowl Good morning there all of you! Fancy having a bear for breakfast? Tomi and Mimi made one in their yogurt this morning with almond butter and raisins. It is very easy. And you can make other animals too if you like. Or use something else like honey or fruit....
Sneaky Mac&Cheese

Sneaky Mac&Cheese

Hmmm Mac’nCheese, gooey and cheesy and delicious. Tomi and Mimi love it, but their mother says it doesn’t have any veggies, so it isn’t that healthy… Doesn’t matter! Tomi and Mimi just add some peas to it. Sneaky little children....